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Game Flow

Week 1 //YEAR2



We had a recap on what different variables mean and this made sense and rang a few distant bells given what we learned of Twine in Ryans class - year 1. 

● In object-oriented design, a variable is a named storage location that holds a value within an object.


A variable is used as a storage location that holds a value within a object. It is used to represent an attribute or property of an object - and can be used to store and retrieve data.

In OOD variables are typically defined as part of a class -which defines the attributes or properties of an object created from that class.

These variables are also known as instance variables and member variables - they are declared within the class definition but outside of any method. 

Instance variables hold data that is specific to each object created from the class and their values can be accessed and modified through the objects methods.

So if the class (object) were 'Car' - instance variables would be 'make, model, colour, year' - 


Each object created from the Car 'class' would have it's own values for these variables (eg: Mercedes, Ferrari, McClaren) . These values can be accessed and modified through the objects methods.

Methods - //// 

In OOD a method is a block of code that defines the behaviour of an object. It is a function that is associated with a particular object (class) and can be called to perform a specific action or to manipulate the objects state (the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time).

METHODS are defined (precisely marked or stated) within the class and they can access and modify the objects attributes.

Methods are also responsible for implementing *(put something into effect) the objects behaviour - which means they define how the object responds to different events and interactions (with other objects // or classes) - 

For example - in the car class the 'accelerate method' might increase the cars speed, whilst the 'brake method' might decrease it. These methods would be defined (precisely marked or stated) within the class and could be called on in any instance of the class to modify the cars state (the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time). 

Methods can also take parameters - 

  1. a numerical or other measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.

  2. a limit or boundary which defines the scope of a particular process or activity.

which are passed to them when they are called and they can return values , which can be used by the calling code.

Again for example: 

In object-oriented design, a method is a block of code that defines the behavior of an object.


It is a function that is associated with a particular object and can be called to perform a specific action or to manipulate the object's state.


In the above instance the code we wrote and assigned to an object meant that the phrase 'Hello World' appeared when we hit the space bar. 

That would be the 'Hello World' method. 

Jetrider 1.PNG

Game Flow

Week 2 //YEAR2




History - C# 

C# is a general purpose Object Oriented Programming Language designed by Anders Hejlsberg from Microsoft in 2000. 

It has it's roots from the C family and is close to other popular languages like C++ and Java.


Cloud based services


Enterprise software

Desktop Apps

Lots of games

Mobile Apps

Why C# ?

- One of the most popular programming languages in the World

-It's easy to learn and simple to use

-Huge community support

-C# is an object orientated language which gives clear structure to programs and allows code to be reused, therefore lowering development costs

-As C# is close to C++ and Java, programmers can easily jump between them.


I created a number of scripts for Unity - Including a 'Hello World' string. a dice generator and a 20 sided dice roller, generated via a button. 









Game Flow

Week 3 //YEAR2



Introduction to Unity.

This module will offer a deeper investigation of game design scripting and decision flows, both in game engine and in the wider world of computer programming and scripting. 

Game Flow

Week 5 //YEAR2


We discussed - Mixer// An audio mixer in Unity controls and adjust audio signals. LISTENER// The audio listener is usually attached to the main camera - represents the players perspective. ASSETS// Audio assets are sound files. 

EMITTERS// An audio emitter, typically represented by an "Audio Source" component, plays sounds from a specific location in the game world, allowing for spatial audio. //EMITTERS are components and need to be added to the gameobject to work

Jetrider 1.PNG

Game Flow

Week 6 //YEAR2


Cosmic Horror game pitch. 

Game Flow.PNG

I delivered my pitch based on the above for a 2D platform shooter/beat 'em up - with a Neon cyber punk futuristic setting. 

The game will have a retro Mega Drive 16 bit feel. 

I like the idea of it being an existential cosmic horror side scroller with the mechanic of an unreliable narrator. Can the player believe what he is seeing? 

I also like the idea of a final reveal with the player eventually battling a grotesque/twisted version of themselves.


I would like to have some cut-aways between levels and for the game to become progressively harder - but my coding skills are non-existent currently and so I need to be realistic about what I can achieve. 

** Sprites and backgrounds can be borrowed for elsewhere. AI generated imagery perhaps. 

Free asset packs - Ask Jay. 

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